My child is in second grade and needed to keep in touch with her math during the school closure due to Covid. This workbook has been so useful for us. She in fact loves these workbooks better than school books and enjoys the activities. We found it easy to follow and engaging. It has helped my daughter stay in touch with math and when she joins school again, she will not be far behind.

The topics in this book have been presented very well. It has helped my son understand math problems on his own. It has a really nice pace to it and my son is able to make connections on his own. I am just using these workbooks and it has been sufficient. I think it is a great supplement for my son’s second grade math and exactly what I was looking for.

I got this book for my daughter to help her out with Grade 2 math as she gets easily overwhelmed and stressed. I really like the layout of lessons, it is so simple and easy to read. My daughter likes this workbook better than her school practice book. It has really helped her and we have done around 5 lessons without stress. This book has been an effective learning tool to learn as well as refresh math skills. Though sometimes they do not exactly match her curriculum, but I am not complaining. It’s always good to learn something new. Its very manageable and the kids can actually work through his book on their own.

With the Covid situation, I have been homeschooling my children 6 years and 9 years. They both love it and have managed to learn a lot of concepts easily. We have been doing a few pages every day and honestly, it is one of the best ones so far. It covers a wide range of math concepts and is in line with school curriculum. I would recommend this to fellow parents.

I am in love with this book. I was looking to provide my kid in Grade 2 with a head start for his Grade 3. And this book has been a blessing. It’s fun and easy, and has helped my son learn Grade 3 concepts without much struggle. We have covered so many topics. I am satisfied with the range of practice problems and the engagement it provides.

I am impressed with these worksheets how they mix various lessons and concepts. It has greatly helped my struggling child for couple years now- kindergarten and Grade 1. The lessons are perfect and simple, can be covered in 10-15 mins and keeps my child engaged and focused. It also has a good pace increasing in difficulty gradually. Overall, our experience with these worksheets have been fantastic and I would highly recommend it.

I have been using these books in addition to my kid’s schools books. I have to say I am fully satisfied. They are level appropriate and cover a lot of topics like money, measurements, graphs, perfect for kids here in USA. I have also purchased their topic specific book to help my kid with multiplication and my kid has progressed a lot since using this math book. I am thinking of getting more of these books.

I am super happy with the amount of practice problems in this math book and how the concepts are explained with clear explanations. My daughter loves these books and asks for it specifically. I purchased Grade 2 work book. It covers many topics like addition, subtraction, place value, mental calculation, time, temperature, geometry, fractions, date and graphs, number and patterns. I am impressed with the variety.

I am using this book as a supplement for my daughter in Grade 1 as her school math book is not challenging enough. I have already purchased many activity books but I really like the flow of the book and simple explanations. My daughter has learned a lot without even realizing. She has been able to progress on some lessons on her own by making connections, and I am really proud of her. I love the fact that it has review lessons in the end to help my kids brush up on previous lessons. This book is just awesome!

Love these books, makes math fun love these workbooks. I have been using them as a precursor to my child’s grade for a couple years now. These books have really helped my child excel in math and breeze through the school curriculum. I have used it for Grade 2 and 3, and just got the next one. Can’t wait to use it. My daughter enjoys these books, it’s easy enough for self-learning and problems are engaging. The thing that I love is that it thoroughly covers the curriculum.

This book is turning out to be more than I hoped for. I got his book to supplement my son’s math lessons in Grade 3. I am surprised that this book is so comprehensive. We do a few pages every day and are almost halfway. My son has developed a deeper understanding of concepts he was not able to get with his school math book. He totally loves the fun activities and actually enjoys the book. I like the clear explanations in the book and I am thinking of getting one for Grade 4 as well next year.

We have been using this book daily for my 7 year old son. He loves this math book. The layout of the book is great and I like how they have broken down each topics. I think it’s an amazing book and would highly recommend it. I am thinking of getting one for my younger son who is 5. My son has improved his substation skills through this book, he was struggling with it earlier. I would say this book has helped him advance his math skills. I also like the fact that it has ample problems, so we can keep using this book for months.

We have brought books in the past and we re unsatisfied with the amount and range of problems. My daughter gets frustrated easily and we needed a book with just the right amount of work to keep her engaged. This book has fairly allowed her to work a bit independently and I am pretty impressed. I do need to help her out sometimes but overall, it is keeping her interested. We will continue to learn from this book.6.

Keeps my daughter’s focus, I am happy it is not too repetitive. My kid gets bored easily and I have a hard time keeping her focused. We have been homeschooling her since Covid and was in need of a math book that would cover all topics. I must say I am impressed with this book the fact that it is engaging and fun. I am now using it as one of the main math books for my daughter and she loves it. I am satisfied with my purchase.

I wanted my kid to practice some advanced math and this book worked wonders. My son is in Grade 1, he is pretty smart I would say. I wanted him to learn some advanced math to help him his upcoming Grade 2. This book has proven to be the best. I love the fact that my son can actually understand and work problems on his own. I am sure he will be having an easy time in his new grade. He has managed to learn a lot of math facts, and I am super happy with his progress. I am thinking about getting some topic specific books too from their range.

We were searching for a workbook to help my son with Grade 3 math before he starts it. He is currently in Grade 2. I realy love the range of topics in this book and how it transitions easily. My son has been doing this workbook in addition to his Grade 2 school books. He has been able to learn so many advance skills withour much coaxing, and he does enjoy it. I checked Grade 3 curriculum and it seems to cover all the topics, I am impressed.

I have been using these math books for 2 years now and find them to be really helpful. I like the review section at the end of the practice problems. I am actually re-learning math through this book along with my son, and its surprisingly fun. My son loves them and even asks for it. I like the gradual pace and the variety of problems. It basically covers all topics required for school year. A great supplement math book!

I have not done math for a decade now. I am preparing college and wanted to refresh on some algebra concepts. This algebra book is great for re-learning algebra concepts. The explanation is clear, it is done quite well. I love the amount and variety of problems and the way it progresses. I deem it essential for all those wanting a refresher course. Plan to get some more from these series. I am very happy with it.

I got this work book for my 6 year old to keep in touch with math during her summer holidays. The book arrived early and is affordable. The sections are neatly divided into topics- addition, subtraction, counting etc. Each section gives clear explanation and variety of practice problems. My daughter has been using this workbook every day. I feel that some of the skills might also be useful for her in second grade. I give this book a thumbs up.

These workbooks have been very helpful and provided my kids with a wonderful structure for practicing math problems. They really do a great job. The concepts are neatly divided section wise and there are review lessons at the end which is wonderful as a refresher lesson. I would say they really go beyond my expectations and has been very effective in helping my kids advance their math skill. They really go beyond the regular lessons and has taught my kids a lot of extra skills.

I bought this book as my son was greatly struggling with fractions in school. He already doesn’t like math and it was getting frustrating for him to understand the math concepts. This book has indeed helped my son a lot and I would say he has come a long way since using these books. It starts from introducing fractions and covers all topics like converting fractions, reducing fractions, adding fractions, mixed numbers etc. I am thinking of getting the one for decimals as well.

I like a bit of challenge in math workbooks as some of the ones I got were just too easy. I am liking the fact that that these books are making my children think but are not too difficult at the same time. It covers the lessons needed for their grade nicely. It has helped my children self-learn with little help from me. We also do the review pages after a few lessons, a nice way to really remember all that you have learnt.I would gladly recommended this book.

This book is neatly sectioned into lessons each covering a single topic. It makes a lot of sense and I like it. It has a nice flow to the lessons. My son has been able to comprehend math concepts in this book and has continued to learn without even realizing. I am glad I brought this book. My son missed out on a lot of school lessons this year and this book has really made up for the loss.

I have 3 children and I need to keep them focused during the summers. They are in grade 1, 3 and 6 and I got them grade appropriate workbooks. Through my sixth grader is a bit of a complainer, the younger ones have been enjoying this book. It is definitely the book to keep your children math skill fresh over the summer. Its not too boring and has enough educational material. My kids have even learned some new concepts from this book which I am sure will help them later on. I like the variety of problems and it’s a nice amount.

My 6 year son loves this book. We ordered it just before the holidays. I have gone through the book and it looks amazing. I like layout of the book, it is entertaining enough. I also like the way it explains the lessons. I have high hopes for my son to learn so much from this book.

I got this math book and it meets my son’s level. My son has been spending way too much on screen especially since the start of online classes and I wanted to get him off it. The materials in this book meet the school curriculum which is a big advantage. The lessons are divided concept wise and there’s just the right amount of problems. I am happy I got this book. My son has been enjoying it too and it is such a nice break from online worksheets. I recommend it to their parents.

This book really helped my daughter stay in touch with math during her summer holidays. It is one of the best books I have got my daughter, she loves the lessons. My daughter has difficulty with her second grade lessons and I was afraid she would find it hard to catch up with her next grade if we did not address this issue first. These book has been really useful and her helped her learn about Grade 2 math skills. Thinking of using these series as a supplement book for her new grade as well.

I am glad I got this book. My son has got dyslexia and find it hard to follow the format and layouts of many books we have tried before. He starts to get confused because of the layout and the prints. This book is definitely an improvement. I like the way how each content is clearly presented, just the right amount of text for a page. It feels so good to have finally found this book. I like the step by step method and how it encourages self-learning. It has really helped my son understand the concepts and apply it though he still needs a helping hand.

This book is amazing, it has definitely enhanced my kids understanding of his grade 3 concepts. It gives a nice overviews of the concepts with lots of practice problems. It is perfect for struggling child as its not too intimidating. The activities are engaging. This book has definitely helped my kids confidence in his math skills. He has worked some problems independently of which he was so proud of. It really gave him much needed boost.

We have been trying to find a decent math workbook that is easy to follow. And these books have satisfied our needs. This is the second time I have brought these books and I find it most helpful. I like how the lessons transition from easy to challenging. My son is not a fan of math but I must say he is learning through this book. I am happy.

The book is so wonderful. We have used this brand last year as well and it has not disappointed. It goes much beyond the curriculum and great to boost your child’s brain power. It introduced a variety of concepts to kids and it has helped my son so much with his math. He now actually enjoys doing math and is putting in effort. He is so happy when he gets his answers right. His grade improved dramatically which I am so happy about. I have also learned from this book. We will definitely stick to this brand.

I am a homeschool mom and I am so happy to find this book. My daughter is 7 years old, she is quite advanced in learning and we got this timed math book to challenge her skills. The book is really innovative and has improved my daughter’s metal math skills and speed of calculations. She has really progressed in arithmetic skills mainly addition, subtraction and multiplication. We haven’t yet reached it but this book also contains problems on geometry, measurement and time which I think is a great add-on. The language is also very clear. Even I have learned some skills from this book, it is fun to learn alongside my daughter.

Excellent format and flow. It is a great book with a range of math problems. Very interactive and engaging. We are using it to supplement our 7 year old math book. My kid loves the exercised and is happy to do the problems. I am very satisfied with my purchase. Five stars.

I got this book without thinking much of it. But as we have used it the past week, I am starting to love it. My kid is in Grade 1 and it matched his skills level perfectly. The content is appreciate for the grade and age, not too difficult not too easy. I would say a nice balance. It has also prompted my kid to take more interest.

We purchased this book for our homeschooled children as a practice book. It works great as a review book where they get to practice the concepts they have already learned. I really strive to help my kids master their existing lessons before moving on so there are no learning gaps, and this book does just that for us. We do a couple pages each day. I am really satisfies with the fact that it has ample math problems. We also rotate between lessons. The book also explains concepts and I think it could be used as a math book too.

My six year old is supper happy with this book. She does the problems on her own and is so happy when she gets the answers right. I am always there to point her to right direction when needed. This is indeed a great math book and I am happy with my purchase. Great content at affordable cost.

My uncle is a math teacher and he has asked me to get this book for my child aged 10. I homeschool my daughter and it is hard to find a math program that meets all the needs and skills. I am happy I got this book. It has been a great supplement to practice problems using the concepts we already learned. I also found it to be a nice refresher to help my child retain the skills her has learned. The book was budget friendly with a nice variety of problems and review lessons in the end. I am so happy to have brought this book.

We do lessons from this book around 15-20 minutes each day and we love this math book. I have a third grader child who does not like math. I am so glad that I have this book now, he has been doing the problems with no complaints. I work with him on the concepts and sample problems. After that, he solves problems on his own with little coaxing here and there. It has really helped him gain an understanding of math which has been beneficial for his classwork too.

I am a teacher by profession. I got this book as a way to practice math in the classroom. I like the format of the book, it is not too overwhelming and crowded. I also like how each lessons builds up on a foundation for a certain skill that helps with the next lesson. There’s also plenty of problems to go by and it matches the American curriculum in a grade specific way. We take around 15-20 minutes for each page. The review pages have been specifically helpful for my students. A great way to round up the curriculum. As a teacher, I am impressed with this book.26.

This book is refreshing. It is perfect to help kids brush up on the skills. This is now my go to book for my homeschooled six year old. He loves this book and cannot get enough of it. This book is really fun and great and keeps my son focused. It also helps refresh his existing skills. He is on his way to a solid math foundation. I am proud of my son and so happy I got this book.

I am happy with the books from this company. This book has greatly helped both my sons a first grader and fourth grader. I am surely buying another one next year. We used this book to give our children a break from school book as they were having problems understanding. We are so impressed with the both. Both my sons improved so much. We also used it during the holidays so they do not forget what they learned. The review lessons are a nice touch.

This book is really helpful if your child is having difficulties with math. Seeing my own struggling child progress, I would suggest this book to all parents. The book breaks down easy concepts nicely, it is so easy to understand. The language used is appropriate for the age, the layouts are kid-friendly and interactive. My son has exceed my expectations. This book has been a blessing. Great book!

Due to school closure, I was worried about my first grader’s studies especially math. If there are gaps, then it would be hard for my son to catch up. These books have been a life saver. It solved my problem. The curriculum matched the grade level. The layout is so good and the content easy to grasp. It also has a nice amount of problems. My son likes this book better than his school book. This book is so appropriate for first grade.

My son is in Grade 5. Due to Covid, the schools cut down on the lessons and this had me really worried. I purchased this book to help him complete his lessons and enhance his skills. We have almost done a third of the book now and I must say we both are very happy. He likes the workbook and has learned so much that he missed out on. He says it is better to follow than his school textbook. I will surely be getting more from this series. I would say it fulfilled the purpose I got this book in the first place.

I like the variety of problems in this work book. My daughter is in second grade but I would say her math skill is above her grade lessons. We wanted to challenge her and purchased Grade 3 workbook. This book has been perfect for her. It has enhanced her learning. I am surprised that she grasped the concepts which are advanced to her really eaily. We have covered over 1/3rd of the book and are loving it. I already have the next one ready after this.

I got this book after seeing nice reviews for my kid to refresh their math skills over the summers. The book I got was for grade 1. We use this book for 15-20 minutes each day and its been so useful for my kid. I am confident that this extra practice will be helpful as he transitions into new grade. The book also covers almost all topics needed by grade 1 students and meets state guidelines. Our experience with this book has been great so far!

I got this book for my niece and she says it is the best book ever. My sister says she really loves the layouts and specifically asks for this book if she has to learn math. She says it goes nicely with her school lessons and covers all the necessary topics. I am so happy that my nice absolutely loves this book.

This book is really balanced and explains the subject matter in such a simple way. I got the Grade 6 book for my daughter before she moved to fifth grade. She has been working on this book during the summers and loves it. I have been helping her out as some of the lessons are new for her, but so far she has had no problems understanding. The explanations are simple enough for children to read on their own. I think it will really help her in grade 6. It has a nice mix of topics and activities and is not monotonous. I think this book does a great job as a bridge between grades.

I like to keep my kids in touch with math even during the holidays. Every holidays I get some kind of math workbook from them and this is my first time trying this brand. This book has been great for my kids to review their past lessons. The book is neatly organized and I also like how it explains the lessons. We plan to complete this workbook over the holidays. This is one of the best worksbooks I got. I like the assignments in the book, very effective.

This book has clear instructions with a good variety of math drills. There are ample practice problems to practice each day. The pages are very interactive. It is a great work book to review the skills learned at school. It also dives into the concepts really nicely and has helped my child gain a deeper understanding. It aligns with American learning and I am satisfied.

I highly recommend this workbook. My child has a hard time with certain concepts especially making connections with numbers. This book filled the gaps nicely and I recommend this book for your child if they are struggling with math. The book covers so many topics and lessons. We have been using it for a few weeks now, and my child is already much more confident in math. It is also interesting enough to keep my child occupied. I love this book.

I love this Grade 1 book, it is just what I need for my naughty first grader. It keeps his attention. The topics match with the school curriculum which I am happy about. It’s a great way to review math learnt in school in a fun way with the colorful pages. It is just the right amount for my son. I have even suggested this book for my niece. These is an amazing book.

My son was having problems catching up in school especially math. I was beginning to notice gaps in his math skills and that is when I got this book to help him out. It is a great resource to help our child get caught up. It really improves understanding of concepts and build a solid foundation. I ma so glad I brought this book for my son. Each lesson teaches the concepts nicely and has ample problems to be worked to develop a solid understanding. My son is in second grade and it is absolutely level appropriate. A truly great math resource!

This book is a perfect supplement for math. It covers the school topics nicely and can be used a daily practice book. The book is easy to understand and goes hand to hand with the school curriculum. Good content, great product.

This book makes learning math fun for my kids. I had got a couple math workbooks before this but they were not very enthusiastic about those. This one, they really enjoy. I have gone through the book and feel its an amazing workbook. Both my kids are going through he lessons without much struggle.

It is a really nice workbook and good for the price. I wanted some math drills for my son so he would not forget his math lessons over the holidays. And this is exactly what this book does. It provides a lot of practice problems and review lessons. We work on a couple pages every day and it has realy helped him remember many concepts with ease.

This workbook is so great and so much fun. My son gets confused easily and I got this book to help him practice. It has really enhanced his understanding of concepts and he has made great progress with any problems. It is really a wonderful book is you want some extra help to help your kid get better at math. A really wonderful math learning tool.

I found these books to be grade appropriate. It is a really good practice book. We use it as a supplement book in addition to school books but I think it would be a great stand alone book as well. I feel the book is very versatile and my sister who homeschools her children has been using it. She was the one to recommend it to me. It covers the lessons nicely and the transition from one lesson to next is very smooth. I will continue to use this book in the future as well.

This book is much more than a practice book. I am impressed with the variety of problems and the way it explains every topic. For us, it has not only been a practice book but a great book to review lessons. The price is also great, and so much content. My kid also loves working this book. I recommend this book.

This is a great workbook to reinforce math skills over the summer. It has a wide range of skills and levels. Some are more simplistic for younger children, while other skill practice is more developed. This is one of the best comprehensive workbooks I’ve used.

I wanted a math book that is compatible with my son’s school curriculum. I always like to prepare ahead and over the holidays, we brush up on skills for the next grade. My son is in third grade and we wanted to familiarize him with math of fourth grade. The instructions are well-laid out and easy to follow. My son is even able to comprehend the lessons on his own. The book is really comprehensive. I have a positive feeling that this will make his fourth grade so much easier.

This is a nice workbook. I wasn’t sure what I was getting when I first purchased it. My daughter is 6 and half and I purchased the first grade book to teach her arithmetic at home. She gets frustrated easily but she is happy to do the exercises in this book without much coaxing. This is a great achieving in itself for us. The book covers addition, subtraction and multiplication and well as teaches number connection and additional topics like time, temperature and measurement. My daughter is loving it and so am I. Satisfied customer.

My second grader has really blossomed ever since using this book. It is a helpful book and I highly recommend it to any parents wishing to improve their kids math skill. I think math is now my kids favorite subject. He has been working on understanding fractions now. I am happy to have purchased this book.

Amazing book! Easily covers all concepts and skills. Neatly divided into lessons with nice progress. Like the review section at the end to rotate through the lessons. I also think it is a nice break from school book and much more interesting with all the fun layout. My children have been using these books and it is also one of my personal favorites. Some of the fellow parents from her class also use these books.

My daughter’s math skill has been suffering this year with the online classes, and she had kind of lost interest in math. I purchased this math book to help her out. She is already getting better at math with use of this book. It explains the concepts and fills up any gaps. The content is great and has helped my daughter get more confident in her skills. I am so happy for my daughter. I was really worried that she would struggle in the next grade after the schools open up again. This book is simply wonderful.

My son is loves math and I am happy with this book. There are a lot of practice problems with a good variety and range. It has been beneficial for my son to hone his math skills and gain a greater understanding of concepts. He has absorbed the concepts really well from this book. He is in Grade 2 now. Once I finish with this book, I am thinking of getting the Grade 3 book to teach him some advance skills.

This book works just like summer bridge books but so much more. I like the quantity and quality of problems. We have been using this book as a supplement book for my second grader. During the summers, I got my son the Grade 3 book, so he learn a bit of Grade 3 math before joining school. The lessons start easy and keeps my son’s interest to learn more. It does get a bit challenging but that’s alright since the concepts are new to him anyway. I am there by his side to help him out when he gets stuck.

I think learning loss is a real thing during the holidays so I always get some workbooks for my kids. This year we went with this company for the math workbook, and I have not been disappointed. My son does a couple page every day and it surely makes a difference. It’s a great book as a refresher before he joins his next grade. I feel learning gaps in math is a huge problems and I like to address it beforehand. This is a great book and I recommend it.

This workbook for grade 2 packs all math skills in such a neat way. I highly recommend it for all parents. It is great to just refresh the lessons. The book is engaging and my seven year old enjoys it. I am thinking of getting Grade 3 book as well when the year gets over to help my kid before she joins her new grade. Overall, a great educational package.

My daughter has ADHD and its hard for her to concentrate. I have used some workbooks before but they failed to hold her attention. This is the first book that has really helped keep her interested long enough. We started from the beginning, slowing building up on the lessons. The format of the book is really gradual which is so helpful. I am really hoping that by the end my daughter has a nice math foundation.

My kid is special-ed so I am always on the lookout to make his learning more creative, fun and easy. It does get difficult while teaching him as he struggles a lot. We have been learning multiplication and it hadn’t been going that well. I got the multiplication workbook to help him out. We have been taking it slowly and over the course of the week, my kid is totally transformed. He is actually taking an interest and has solved a few problems on his own. I am so happy as this book has given him much needed confidence.

This book is a wonderful supplement for math learners. It has helped my son so much and even I have learnt a lot. The lessons are easy to grasp and teaches your kid to be independent. The directions and layout are also great. It is a great product and my second grader is loving it. Once we go through this book, I will definitely purchase more from their series.

My son is addicted to his pad. We were using online worksheets for him but it was getting frustration for both him and us. I also wanted to cut down on his screen time as he has online classes as well in addition to his game time. This work book is just so refreshing. My son likes doing math on workbook than online now and we are so delighted that this books fulfilled our goals. The book is well structured and cleverly designed. It is just perfect. If you are looking for a change, go for this book.

I home school my kids. Hence, I need to learn myself to stay ahead for the current math concepts. I purchased the whole series from Grade 1 to 6. I simply love these books. It explains each lesson really well and the lessons move in a gradual manner. I have learnt so much. I have twins who are learning Grade 1 math currently. I am using the first Grade book for them as a supplement. They love solving problems from this book. We do the worksheets on alternate days, and they both really enjoy it. I feel they are a great self-learning tool. Would suggest it for any homeschooling parent.

My daughter has been having some problems with math lately and she needed some extra help. Her teacher asked her to get this book so we can practice at home. I am surprised that it worked out. My daughter has been learning really well through this book and she actually enjoys it. She is there with a big smile on her face every time she gets a correct answer. I love how this book is really creative and the layout is just age appropriate.

This is an excellent math book for children. I did not know how this book was going to be but surprisingly, my kid loves it. It is nicely organized and very systematic with lessons. My kid has improved his arithmetic skills so much through this book. I recommend this book for other parents. It makes math so easy.

This is one of the best books I have come across. It is perfect for my homeschooled 8 year old. It is easy to understand, also a bit challenging at times which is great to get the brain working. It also complements our main math book quite nicely. I will be using this company’s books as supplements.

I am using this book as an add on to my son’s school book especially to keep him in touch during holidays. It is worth it. We have been suing it over our summer holidays and my son hasn’t complained. He is happy to do a page every day working on his own.I have gone through the book and found it to be instructive and easy to understand with a good number of problems.

My Son actually ordered this off my phone. I was was going to return it but upon reviewing I saw how simplified the problem was and how he was able to understand it . Good buy

I highly recommend this book to help your kids achieve success with math in school. It works great as a supplement practice book though it is much more. It explains the lessons as well. This book has been so helpful for my daughter during Covid. I have been using this book for her to prepare her for next grade. She enjoys the book very much and find it easy to work with.

I got this book for her daughter so she can practice problems on her own. I got the book in a timely manner and its just great for the price. I first got Grade 2 book it was so affective, so I got their Kumon alternative book as well. This is just perfect. It has improved my daughter’s math skills and skyrocketed her mental math talent. She does a 2-3 pages every day from these two books and I am so happy to see my daughter being interested in math.

I got a two books from this company – the Grade 3 workbook and Kumon timed workbook Level 6 to keep my kid focused during the holidays. It’s a really good book, loved how the problems are organized and lessons are divided. It covers so much topics. Some of the topic for the Grade 3 book includes Numeration, addition and subtraction of whole numbers, understanding strategies in multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement and a whole lot more. The lessons are easy to understand and there are ample problems for practice. It has helped my son master math skills for his grade as well as develop higher math skills. I would say to any parents looking to find a good math workbook to go for this book.

This has proven to be a great book for my fourth grade students. I tutor math and needed something challenging for them. I love this book. The practice problems in this book are a great way to brush up on the skills and to engrave the concepts in my student’s minds. As a tutor, I am happy with the material of the book and will keep on using it.

I am a teacher by profession and teach math to second and third grade. I needed a book where students could work on the problems utilizing concepts taught in class. The most important factor for me for a workbook was that it should have a good range of problems, spaced well for writing answers. This book has been so great. My students enjoy this book. We do a page taking around 10 minutes before starting classes to refresh previous lesson. It’s an excellent book.

Good value
The book has good content and clear instructions. It makes learning fun and easy. It is worth the price. Overall, I am impressed with this book and my daughter loves it as well. She has learned so much from this book. I give it a big thumbs up.

This book is great to review math skills. My daughter does 3 pages every day and takes about 30 minutes. I am happy she actually loves this workbook. It is so easy to follow through. My daughter has become better at math and it has helped her understand concepts more clearly. It is low in cost and the problems are great. I highly recommend it for fellow parents.. Go for it.

My daughter just completed her kindergarten and I got the kumon math worksheet to help her retain the lessons over the summer. The book has an interesting range of problems and covers kindergarten topics nicely. Its colorful, the font and spacing is just perfect. I would recommend this book.

My daughter is in kindergarten and joins Grade 1 next year. Due to the situation with Covid, I decided to teach her some Grade 1 skills at home so she would get a headstart and not find math too difficult. This book is just so great. My daughter loves it too and she has really advanced her math skills even though she has been learning completely new concepts. I love this book- explains everything in such a good way.

This book has just the right amount of problems, not too much, not too less. We have been brushing up on math lessons through this book. It is a great add on. We practice a few problems from this book everyday. My kid loves it and it so much fun and well-organized. I got the Grade 1 book and its peefect for this grade, covers all topics.

This book is the best, great way to practice math skills. The thing that I am most happy about is that the book is so well organized. Perfect layout and spacing, and actually encourages independent learning. To be honest, I was having a tough time teaching math to my second grader and she was all over the place mixing concepts and getting confused. I am happy to finally have found a book that divides concepts really well. My kid is happy with the lessons and it has reduced her frustration. She enjoys the activities in the book. This book is so helpful…amazing product!

This is actually the first workbook I purchased and I am fully satisfied with it. My child is in Grade 1 and had trouble with math concepts. I got his book to help him build a good foundation of basic math. I am happy that the lessons are easy to understand and the format is just great. We do a page a day, its just the right amount of challenge. Mostly she is able to do problems on her own. It was a good choice.

My son’s school closed down due to Covid-19 and there was no work assigned for a few weeks. I had got this book a while back but we hadn’t used it. I thought this was a perfect opportunity to keep my son in touch with skills he had learnt. We do a few pages each day and my son is happy to do it. Its not too overwhelming. We have already covered what was taught till now in his school and moved on to some new lessons. The book really enriches learning. I am sure my son will get a head start when schools open again.

I home school my 2 girls –one 7 years old and other 11 years old. I got these books as an add on to their math course book and I am thrilled. The books are informative and explains concepts in a really simple way. My girls are happy with the books too and are able to navigate it by themselves which is a great plus. I will definitely be purchasing more. I found the books to be interactive and happy with the fact that it covers the curriculum nicely.

I like teaching my child the math foundations for their next grade in advance during holiday breaks for an hour or so every day so they can get a jumpstart. This year, I decided to go with these brand having tried other brands and it has not disappointed me. I think that it has a nice and easy flow and covers various skills. We are doing a few pages every day and my daughter loves the book. She is in first grade and we got the one for second grade. She has managed to solve many problems on her own without much struggle. I am happy.

My little once often gets confused with addition and substration. I was looking for a workbook with ample practice problems to help him understand. I got addition and subtraction worksheets and its working out so well. This is by far the best book for him. It has a good mix of problems and teaches arithmetic so well. The difficulty is gradual and now, my son has really advanced his skill. He is breezing through the book now on his own. This book is a wonderful teaching tool.

I got the addition book for my first grader as an activity book. My daughter has learnt so much from this book. Now she is a master of addition. The book starts easy and gradually increases in difficulty. It covers the basic foundation for addition while teaching some advanced skill as well. I really love these books as my daughter is happy to work to work on problems without much stress. The lessons are neatly divided into sections. I am so glad I got this book. It has been so helpful especially with the pandemic.

I have been trying to teach my son double digit addition and he was having problems with carry on. I did not know how to make it understandable for him. I got his book and its such a good teaching tool. I have finally been able to explain the concept in a much simpler and easier way. With the ample number of practice problems in the book, I must say he really become good.

I was panicking when the school went for online lessons. My children in grade 1 and 3 has been losing interest and it’s hard to keep them focused. To keep the habit of practicing, I purchased two workbooks for grade 1 and 3. The lessons are in par with what my kids are learning at school. Both my kids love their workbooks. The books nicely reinforces their school math lessons. Starts easy and then becomes a little challenging, but not overwhelming. The lessons have a nice flow to them and are divided neatly in sections. These books are so resourceful and a great supplement for school book.

I homeschool my 7 year old. I got this book to warm up on previous lessons before starting a new one. This book does just that. My son is so happy with this workbook. It is easy to work with and covers all topics I intend to teach. I must say a really good practice book, and saves me so much time from having to write problems myself.

This book is great for the summers. I love how my kids enjoy this book. It has been helpful in preventing learning loss during the summers. Math is one of those subjects that is so interconnected. And, I wanted my kids to be in touch with the foundations so they will have a easier time next year. The book is very resourceful with plenty of problems and review lessons.

My kids absolutely loved these workbooks. I recommend them 100% to parents looking for a workbook. Their books range from grade 1-6. I have used Grade 2 and Grade 4 books for my two children, and its been great. I will definitely get it next year as well. The lessons are very interactive and my kids are happy to work the problems on their own.