25 Cool Maths Tricks For Kids [Updated 2021]

Are you look for new and exciting methods to teach math to your kids? Do you want to make math interesting for your kids? You can always rely on maths tricks to help your child out with math.

Maths tricks for kids are fun and engaging, and a wonderful way to spark your child’s interest in math. There are so many math tricks that you can use to improve your child’s math skills. Math tricks come in many forms like mind games, riddles, calculator tricks, mental math tricks, and speed calculations tricks. They have also been proven to be highly efficient, reliable, and quicker when it comes to solving math problems. They are also more interesting than traditional methods of solving math. Maths tricks will definitely fill your kids with amazement and it is a handy tool to have up your sleeve.

In this article, we cover two types of math tricks.

  • Prediction Math tricks
  • Problem-solving Math tricks

Prediction math tricks simply put are math magic tricks for kids. They are fun mind games with numbers that your child will just love. Your kids will be in awe as you predict the answers correctly by just reading their minds. Once you teach them the tricks, they will be hooked on these and ready to try it out on their friends. And what’s more, it is an enjoyable way to teach basic math skills to kids. 

Problem solving maths tricks are amazing tools that greatly reduce the time taken to solve any kind of math problem. It also provides a delightful break from traditional long and arduous methods and will arouse your child’s curiosity in math. With these short-cut interesting maths tricks, your child will be able to perform complicated math calculations in an easier and simpler way.

Learn about these wonderful prediction and problem-solving maths tricks for kids that will definitely help your child improve their math skills.

Prediction Tricks

We have listed 12 amazing prediction magic maths tricks for kids. Your kids will be using these fun tricks to impress their friends and will be a math wiz.


This trick is great for teaching addition. In this trick, you will predict the sum of 4 numbers. 

Draw a 4 x 4 table in a piece of paper and write numbers from 1 to 16 in the boxes, the first row will have 1 to 4, the second row ill have 5 to 8, and so on. You will then tell your child that you will make a prediction and write the number “34” on another piece of paper without showing it and hand it to your child to be opened later. Now, ask your child to circle any number in the table and then cross off all the numbers in the same row or column of the circled number. Again, ask to circle another number that has not been crossed off or circled, and repeat the process till there are only four circled numbers remaining and all other numbers have been crossed off. Let your child add the 4 numbers together and tell you the sum. Now, ask them to open the prediction paper. The answer will always be “34”.


You can teach this interesting maths trick to your child to improve their arithmetic skills. 

On a piece of paper, you will write your prediction without showing and hand it to your child to be opened later. The answer will always be “8” for this trick. Ask your child to think of any number and then perform the following steps in order. 

  • Subtract 1 from the number
  • Multiply with 3
  • Add 12
  • Divide by 3
  • Add 5
  • Subtract the number your child thought of in the beginning from the number after all the calculations. 

You will then ask your child to open the prediction paper. And voila, the answer will be “8”.


This simple math trick is great for practicing arithmetic skills and finding the age of a person. 

To do so, your child will need to perform the following steps in order.

  • Ask the person to choose a number between two and ten
  • Multiply it by 2
  • Add 5 
  • Multiply by 50
  • Ask your friend if they’ve already celebrated their birthday for this year. 

(If the birthday has passed already, add 1767 and if the birthday is coming up, then ask them to add 1766 to the prior result) 

  • Subtract from this number the year that they were born. 
  • Add 3

The first digit of the number will be the original number thought of by the person. The remaining two numbers will be the age. This trick adds an element of fun and some serious arithmetic skills rather than the conventional method of counting age.

Learn about Fun Ways to Get Your Child to Love Math.


This trick is a great way to learn addition and division skills.

In this maths tricks for kids, you will make a prediction on a piece of paper as “37” and set it aside without showing your prediction. You will then ask your child to think of a 3-digit number where all 3 digits are the same like 222, 666, etc. 

Ask your kid to add all the three digits together. Then divide the 3-digit number your child thought of by the sum of the number. You can then hand over your prediction and the child will be surprised at how you guessed the answer which will always be 37. 5. In this math magic tricks for kids, your prediction will always be 15. You can write the prediction on a paper, fold it, and hand it to your child beforehand. Ask your child to think of any number and multiply the number by 3. Then add 45 to the product and double the answer. After this, divide this number by 6 and subtract the original number from it. And, as predicted the answer is 15. It is a great way to increase fluency in addition and multiplication.


This amazing birthday easy math trick is also a great way to practice various arithmetic skills. 

For this trick, first ask your child to add 18 to their birth month. Consider January as 1, June as 6, etc. Then, the following steps need to be performed in order.

  • Multiply by 25
  • Subtract 333
  • Multiply by 8
  • Subtract 554
  • Divide by 2
  • Add their birth date
  • Multiply by 5
  • Add 692
  • Multiply by 20
  • Add only the last two digits of their birth year
  • Subtract 32940 

These steps will give the birth date in the format (MM-DD-YY). You can also use this as a calculator trick.


 In this maths tricks for kids, your prediction answer will be “5” which you will jot down on a paper and set it aside. Ask your child to think of any number from 1 to 10 and perform the following steps:

  • Multiply the number thought of by 2
  • Add 10 to the product
  • Divide the answer by 2 
  • Subtract the number that your child had thought of in the beginning from the final number. 

Now hand the prediction to your child and ask them to open it. Surprise, the final answer is 5.

Learn about how to help your child develop early math skills.


This magic maths tricks for kids can be a great tool to practice mental math and memorizing skills. The answer for this trick will always be “4”. Ask your child to think of any number and perform the following steps in order. You can provide a paper and pencil to the child so you can check the calculations.

  • Double the number 
  • Add 8, and keep the number in mind. 
  • Now, subtract half of this number from the number itself. 
  • Then subtract from this number, the original number your child thought of in the beginning. 

While your child is performing all the calculations, you can then pretend that you are reading your child’s mind. After your child finishes the calculations, you can say “The answer is 4”, and surprise your child. 


For this trick, you can ask your child to think of any 3 digit number, write it on the paper, and show it to you. 

Ask your child to multiply the 3-digit number first by 7 and then followed by 11 and 13. Before the child starts multiplication, say that you will make a prediction. You will write your prediction down and hand it to your child to open it later. The answer for this simple math trick will be the same 3-digit number your child showed you in the beginning but in repeat. For example: The answer for 3-digit number 541 will be 541541. The child will do the calculations get the answer. Now, you can ask your child to see the prediction and have them tell you that you are a calculating wizard. 


This is an interesting maths trick for your kids and it can be done as a calculator trick as well. This works for any 5-digit number. When you reveal this trick to your child, expect them to get mad for wasting their time. 

For this trick, ask your child to think of any 5-digit number and ask them to multiply by 11. Then, ask them to multiply the product they get with 9091. This will take a lot of time and you need to wait patiently till your child finishes the calculation. But, this calculation is actually simple. The answer is simply the 5-digit number on repeat two times. For example. For a 5 digit number 34678. 34678 x 11 = 381,458 and now, 381,458 x 9091 = 3467834678 which is the 5-digit number on repeat. 

Learn about how to help your kids with math


This math magic tricks for kids will leave your child amazed. This trick is good for improving number sense, and practicing addition & subtraction. In this trick, the answer will always be “1089”. 

For this trick, ask your child to write any 3 digit number. Then, ask to rearrange the digits in descending order and ascending order. For example, for 509, the descending order will be 950, and the ascending order will be 059 or 59. Now, ask your child to subtract the ascending number arrangement from the descending number arrangement. (950 – 59) = 891. Then reverse the number. So, 891 will be 198. Now add them together (891 + 198) which is 1089. “1089” will always be the correct answer no matter what 3-digit number your child chooses. 


This is another fun maths trick for your child. The answer for this trick will always be “15” no matter whatever number you choose. To play this game, ask your kid to think of any number. After they do so, ask them to perform the following steps in order. You can provide a pencil and paper for the calculations if needed.

  • Multiply it by 3. 
  • Now add 45 to the answer. 
  • Multiply that answer by 2. 
  • Divide this answer by 6. 
  • Subtract your original number from the answer.

After your child finishes the calculations, you can pretend to read your child’s mind and say “The answer is 15”.


This is an interesting maths trick where you will begin with 2 digits and then reach the same 2 digits in the end after a series of arithmetic operations. This trick will leave your kids with amazement. To do, this trick, ask your child to think of any 2 digits.

  • Pick one of the digits and multiply by 2.
  • Add 5 to the product 
  • Multiply that answer by 5. 
  • Now, add the other digit you had chosen to this answer. 
  • Subtract 4 from that answer. 
  • Subtract 21 from the final answer. 

You will get the same two digits that your child thought of in the beginning.

Prediction maths tricks are fun games to play that also teach basic math skills and helps your child understand the relationship between numbers in math.

Problem-solving tricks

We have listed 13 interesting and easy math tricks to improve problem-solving abilities. These problem-solving tricks are will be handy for your kids and definitely improve accuracy as well as the speed at which they solve math problems. It is a great tool for timed mental math calculations as well.

#13. Quick Addition of 2-digit numbers

With this easy mathematics trick, you can calculate the sum of two digit numbers very fast and gain a better understanding of place values and decomposing. 

For example: If you have to find the sum of 56 and 62. You will break the numbers into ten’s and one’s place mentally (56 becomes 50 & 6) and (62 becomes 60 & 2). Now, you will add the tens place first (50 + 60) = 110. Then, you will add the one’s place (6 +2) =8. Now you just need to add the two answers to get the total (110 + 8) =118.

#14. Addition by Rounding off

In this maths tricks for kids for addition, you will modify the numbers by rounding them off so they become much easier to work with. It also increases reasoning in math.

For example. If you have to add 397 and 95. You will take the larger number and round it off to the nearest higher number. So for 397, you will add 3 to make it 400. Now, you will subtract the same value 3 from the second number 95, which becomes 92. Now you will just add (400 + 92) = 492, which is a much simpler calculation. And, the correct answer is indeed 492.

#15. Subtraction by Rounding off

This is similar to the above described “Addition by Rounding off” trick except that you will be performing subtraction instead. For the subtraction trick, you will round off the larger number to the nearest smaller number instead. 

For example: If the question is find the difference of 494 and 97. You will take the larger number and round it off to the nearest lower number. So, 494 will be rounded off to 400, which is done by subtracting 94 from 494 (494 -94= 400). Now, you will subtract the same digit i.e. 94 from the second number (97 – 94 = 3). Now you will subtract these two to get the final answer (400 -3) = 397, which is the correct answer for (494 – 97). 

Learn about how to make your child understand math .

#16. Subtraction involving numbers with the power of 10

This simple math trick can be used to subtract any 3 digit number from 1000.  You just need to subtract the digits of the number from 9, except the last digit which you need to subtract for 10. 

For example: If you need to subtract 837 from 1000, you will subtract the first digit 8 and second digit 3 from 9, (9-8=1), and (9-3=7). Now, you will subtract the last digit 7 from 10 (10-7=3). Now you will just put the number together. So, the answer is 173. 

You can also use this method to subtract any 4 digit number from 10,000 or 5 digit number from 100,000 and so on.

#17. Using Fingers for Multiplication of 9

This is an easy math trick for kids that can be used for multiplication by 9 till 9 times 10 by just using fingers. It is suitable for young children trying to learn multiplication. This an amazing trick that will come in handy if your young child forgets multiplication of 9.

To perform this math hack, ask your child to spread their hands in front of them. Now, give them a question. For example: 9 x 4. Starting from the left, the child must start counting the fingers and then fold the fourth finger.  Now, your child will count the number of fingers to the left of the folded finger, which will be the first digit of the answer. The number of fingers to the right side of the folded finder will be the second digit number. So the answer is 36. 

#18. Quick Multiplication by Decomposing

This easy maths trick can be used to perform multiplications quickly by make the equation easier to work with. This method also encourages logical thinking. In this method, you will just break the numbers into smaller components as needed. 

For example: If you have to multiply (13 x 16). You can break down the numbers. So, 16 becomes (2 x 8). Now, you can also write the equation as (2 x 8 x 13). You can first multiply (13 x 8) = 104, and the equation becomes (2 x 104), which is much simpler and the answer is 208, which is the answer for (13 x 16).

#19. Quick Multiplication by 9

This simple maths tricks for kids can be employed to multiply any number by 9. This trick is time saving and so simple, and your child just needs addition skills. In this method, you just need to add 0 to the number that is to be multiplied by 9 and then subtract the original number from it. 

For example: If you have to multiply 4678 by 9. You just add 0 at the end of 4698 which then becomes 46780. Now, subtract the same number from it (46780 – 4678) = 42102, which is the answer for (4698 x 9).

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#20. Quick Multiplication of 2-digit numbers by 11

This simple math trick is a great way of multiplying any number with 11. All that is needed is basic addition skills. 

For example, if you have to multiply (34 x 11). You just need to write the number that is to be multiplied by 11 with a blank space between them. So, 34 can be written as 3_4. Now, add the two digits together (3+4=7) and put this sum in the blank space (374), which will be the answer, (34 x 11) is 374.

If incase the sum is greater than 9, you need to put 2nd digit in the space and add 1 to the number left of the space. 

#21. Quick Multiplication by 5

This is an easy math trick for kids that can be used to multiply any numbers by 5. The method differs for even and odd numbers.

For even numbers: Divide the even number to be multiplied by 5 by 2 and then simply add 0 in the end. For example: If you have to multiply (5 x 12). Divide 12 by 2 which gives 6. Now, add 0 at the end. So, the answer is 60, which is the correct answer for (5 x 12).

For odd numbers: Subtract 1 from the odd number to be multiplied by 5 to make it an even number. Now, divide this number by 2. Then, simply add 5 in the end to get the answer. For example: If you have to multiply (5 x 13). First subtract 1 from 13, which gives 12. Then, divide 12 by 2 which gives 6. Now, add 5 at the end. So, the answer is 65, which is the correct answer for (5 x 13). 

#22. Quick Multiplication by 15

Using this amazing maths trick, you can easily multiply any number with 15. It is super easy. In this method, you just have to add 0 at the end of the number that is to be multiplied by 15, then divide this number by 2 and add both the numbers together to get the answer.  

For example: If you have to multiply 83 by 15. You will simply add zero to 83, which then becomes 830. Now you will divide this number by 2, so (830 / 2 = 415). Now, add the two numbers together (830 + 415) = 1254, which is the answer for (83 x 15).

#23. Quick Multiplication by 25

This maths trick is perfect for multiplying any number with 25. In this method, you just need to divide the number to be multiplied by 4 and then add two 0’s at the end. 

For example: If you have to multiply 16 x 25. You will divide 16 by 4 (16 / 4) = 4. Now simply, add two 0’s at the end. So, the answer is 400.

If the number cannot be divided by 4, no problem. There is a simple solution to this. You will still divide the number by 4, but pay attention to the remainder. If the remainder is 1, add 25 to the answer or if it is 2, add 50 to the answer, and so on in increments of 25.

For example: If you have to multiply (27 x 25), you will divide 27 by 4, the answer is 6 with 3 as the remainder. So, the answer will be (600 + 75) = 675, which is the correct answer for (27 x 25).

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#24. Calculating square of numbers ending with 5

You can use this interesting maths trick to quickly find the squares of any number ending with 5. This trick can be used to find the square of any digit number ending with 5. You have to keep in mind that the last two digits of the square of any numbers ending with 5 are always 25. Then take the remaining digits and multiply it by the number following it. Now, just add 25 to this product.

For example, if you have to find the square root of 85, the last two digits of the answer will be 25. Now look at the first digit of the number i.e. 8. The number that follows 8 is 9. Now multiply 8 and 9 which is 72, which will be the first 2 digits. So the square of 85 or 852 is 7225. This is a great trick for math competitive exams as well. 

#25. Finding Percentages

Many children get confused while calculating percentages. With this simple maths tricks for kids, calculating percentages will be a piece of cake. 

For example: If you have to find 45% of 12, you can simply multiply (45 x 12) = 540. Now, just move the decimal point two digits to the left. So, 540 will be 5.40, which is 45% of 12.

And, the Problem-solving math tricks are highly efficient math hacks that will increase your child’s speed, fluency, and accuracy while solving math problems. 


These amazing maths tricks listed above will help your kids learn math as well as boost problem-solving abilities. It will also encourage your child to try new approaches and think of new possibilities while solving any math problem. It will show your child that they do not need to stick to the one method taught in classrooms, but can actually use multiple ways to find the solution. 

These math tricks will show your child that math is not a boring subject, but a highly interesting one. Using these interesting maths tricks will also challenge your child’s critical thinking, reasoning abilities, and intuition.

If your child is frustrated and bored with math, why not use try these math tricks. Knowledge of math tricks is a must to get your child to enjoy math

With these wonderful maths tricks for kids, your child will have so much fun doing math!

There are many fun ways to teach math to your child. Why not use these methods to get your child interested in math. Click on the links below if you want to know more.

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