209 Cheesy Math Jokes For Kids [Updated 2021]

Are you looking for ways to brighten up math sessions? Do you want to make math fun and enjoyable for your kids? Are you wondering how you can share math humor with your kids? You have come to the right place! Math jokes for kids are just the thing your need.

A math joke is a sort of humor that is dependent on mathematical concepts, facts, or stereotypes of math.  Math can get boring and tedious for kids. This is why you need some strategy up with sleeves to make math fun. Not to worry, you can always lighten the mood during dull math sessions with some funny math jokes for kids. A good laughter is always welcome and enjoyed by all. Math jokes are great tools for both teachers and parents alike to make math sessions fun and break the tension in the room. 

When it comes to math, there are infinite math jokes on a variety of topics be it algebra, geometry, arithmetic, or just math puns and punch lines. The key to getting the maximum laughter from your kids is to use the right math jokes at right time. Also, make sure that the joke is of the right level for your kids or students.

These cheesy math jokes besides being a great source of humor are also actually effective ways to help kids remember underlying mathematical facts and concepts. They actually help your children with math lessons. For this, you need the right joke for the right math topic. And, we are here to make this task easier for you. 

We have complied 209 math jokes for kids covering a variety of math concepts that will add a dash of color to dull math lessons. We have also sorted out the jokes according to the math topic.

  • Counting
  • Arithmetic
  • Fractions
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Math puns


1. Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 8 9!

2. What do you call a number that is always on the move?

A Roamin’ numeral.

3. Why are the two 4’s not eating?

Because they already 8!

4. What happens when you hire an odd guy to do 8 jobs?

They only do 1, 3, 5 and 7.

5. What do you get when you cross a dog and a calculator?

Man’s best friend you can always count on.

6. A farmer had 298 cows, what happened when he rounded them up.

He had 300 cows.

7. Who do the even guys find odd?

Every other number!

8. What is the calculator you can always count on?

Your fingers.

9. Are all monsters good at math?

Not unless you Count Dracula.

10. How do you make seven an even number?

By removing the “s.”

11. There’s three kinds of people in this world

People who can count, and people who can’t

12. Why did the quarter not roll down the hill with the nickel? 

Because it had more cents!

13. What did the calculator say to the student? 

You can always count on me.

14. What is a hen who can count her own eggs called?

A mathemachicken

15. Why do teenagers travel in groups of 3s and 5s?

Because they can’t even.

16. What did zero say to eight?

Nice belt.

17. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?


18. Why should you never mention the number 288?

Because it’s “two” gross.


19. Why is the equal sign so modest?

Because it understand that it is neither greater nor less than anyone else.

20. What did the math teacher’s dog get itchy?

Because he got Arithma-ticks!

21. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?

He will stop at nothing to avoid them.

22. What does a surgeon do when he has many patients to operate?

He simply follows the order of operations.

23. Why was the student confused by the English class and math class?

Because he was taught that a double negative is bad in English, but in math, it’s positive.

24. Why should you never argue with decimals?

Because they always have a point.

25. Which tables do you not have to learn?

Dinner tables!

26. What did the student say to the math teacher with 12 children?

Mam, you really know how to multiply!

27. Which spot do mathematicians hang out in New York? 

Times Square

28. What’s the surest way to solve any equation?

Multiply both sides by zero

29. Why was the student doing multiplication on the floor?

Because the teacher said not to use tables.

30. What are mathematician’s favorite tool?


31. Which arithmetic operation is an Avenger in Marvel universe?


32. Why were the employees worried when they saw the guy from division?

Because they thought the company was downsizing

33. Why did the girl wear glasses during math class?

It improved di-vision.

34. Why was Mr. David’s math class so noisy?

He liked to practice gong division!

35. Do you know I find odd?

Numbers that aren’t divisible by two

36. What’s a swimmer’s favorite kind of math?


37. Why was the stduent sad when he did long division?

He felt bad for the remainders


38. What is evil fraction’s want the most?

World denomination

39. What does a dollar and the moon have in common?

They both have four quarters

40. I don’t get the point of decimals.

I’m more partial to fractions.

41. Why do some people use fractions instead of decimals?

It’s actually pointless

42. Why do people love the fraction mall?

Because everything costs only a fraction of the price

43. How do we know the fractions, x/c, y/c, and z/c are not coming today?

Because they are all over c’s

44. There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.

Only a fraction would understand

45. Why is it useless to argue with fractions?

Because their our opinions are always divided

46. You think you know all about fractions…

But you don’t know the half of it

47. Why was the fraction hesitant to marry the decimal?

Because he thought he would have to convert

48. Some people just refuse to believe that working with decimals is easier than working with fractions.

They are just missing the point

49. My math teacher hates mixed fractions. What does it tell about her teaching?

I’m guessing that’s why what she teaches is improper

50. Why should you not be afraid of fractions?

It’s a completely irrational fear

51. When can I call the improper fraction helpline?


52. Which king was fond of fractions?

Henry the ⅛

53. Man: 60% of my parking tickets are bogus!

Judge: Repeat infractions?

Man: Alright. 3/5 of my tickets are bogus

54. Why did ⅕ visit the masseuse?

Because it was two-tenths

55. What’s it called when the bottom half of a fraction has loads of cake in it?

A denom-nom-nominator

56. My wife left me because of my obsession with simplifying fractions.

Oh well, hindsight is 1

57. Why can Jedi only do math with fractions?

Because only a Sith deals in absolutes

58. My math teacher keeps telling me to simplify my fractions

I do it 48/14, but she does not understand

59. I really hate arguments about fractions.

They’re divisive

60. Why was the new fraction king praiseworthy? 

He made time even for the lowest common denominator

61. Five out of four people admit they’re bad at fractions.

And if you don’t get the punchline is, it’s you


62. Why is algebra so good at dancing?

Because it can use algo-rhythm

63. Why are plants afraid of math?

Because it gives them square roots

64. What are dudes who love math called?


65. what do you call 3 in the expression X3? 

An x-ponent

66. Dear Algebra, stop trying to find your X.

They’re never coming back — don’t ask Y.

67. Why was algebra easy for Romans?

Because they already knew X was 10

68. Teacher: What is 2n plus 2n?

Student: Well 2 apples plus 2 apples id 4 apples. So, the answer is 4n.

69. What’s is an owl’s favorite math topic? 


70. What’s the best way to serve pi?

A la mode. Anything else is mean.

71. How happens to math teachers when they get old?

They just lose some of their functions

72. Why did the boy refuse to drink the water with eight ice cubes in it?

Because it was too cubed

73. What did Dr. Parabolas discover?

Quadratic formula

74. My girlfriend is the square root of -100

She’s a perfect 10, but purely imaginary

75. What was Einstein and Pythagoras s fighting over c2?

Because they both needed it to complete their formula

76. Why do they never serve drinks at a math party?

Because you can’t drink and derive

77. Why did seven eat nine?

Because it is important to eat 3 squared meals a day

78. Why do the exponents not like atheists?

Because they don’t believe in higher powers

79. Which coefficients are also mutants?


80. Why did the bouncer not allow 4 inside the club? 

Because he was 2 square

81. What is the only flight that goes to Math land?

X-Y plane

82. What are mathematician’s favorite drink?

Root beer in a square cup

83. What do baby Parabolas drink?

Quadratic formula

84. What did the student say about the equation she couldn’t solve?

“This is derive-ing me crazy!”

Geometry Jokes

85. Who is the most adorable angle?

Acute angle.

86. What did the square say to the circle? 

Haven’t I seen you a-round? 

87. Why did the mathematician spill his food in the oven?

Because the directions said, “Put it in the oven at 180°”.

88. What do you call a crushed angle? 

A Rectangle (wrecked angle)

89. What happens when you cross a mountain climber and a mosquito? 

Nothing! Coz you can’t cross a scalar and a vector.

90. Why are parallel lines always lonely?

Because they never meet each other.

91. Why did Pi get its driver’s license revoked?

Because it didn’t know when to stop.

92. What do you call a broken record? 

A Decca-gone

93. What spell do Math witches use?


94. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

Pumpkin Pi.

95. What shape is usually waiting for you inside a Starbucks?

A line.

96. What did the baby tree say when it looked in a mirror? 


97. Who started the Round Table?

Sir Cumference

98. What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?

Pi in the sky.

99. Why didn’t the chicken cross to the other side of the inequality? 

It couldn’t get past the boundary line. 

100. Why was math class so long?

The teacher kept going off on a tangent

101. Where do circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas love to hang out? 

Coney Island

102. Why is the obtuse triangle always disappointed?

Because it is never right.

103. Why does no one listen to Pi’s advice?

Because it is irrational. 

104. Why does an argument with a circle always fail?

Coz there is no point.

105. What do you get when you cross a linebacker with a computer geek? 

A linear programmer

106. Why is the circle so hot?

Because it is 360°!

107. What happens to a man after he sun-bathes?

He becomes a tan-gent. 

108. Why was the scalene triangle sad? 

Coz he would never be right. 

109. Why is Ms. Radian such a good reporter?

 She covers the story from every angle.

110. What do mathematicians when it snows?

Make snow angles.

111. What did the foodies go to the nerd side?

Because they had pi

112. Why did the 30-60-90 triangle marry the 45-45-90 triangle? 

They were just right for each other.

113. Which angle should you approach for a sound advice?

The 90° angle. It is always right.

114. What happened when you cross a pebble with a sphere? 

rock and roll! 

115. What do you call a protractor holding a fishing rod? 


116. What kind of rugs do geometry teachers use for their flooring?

Area rugs

117. A mathematician sitting in a bakery was calculating the area of a circle and said aloud πr2

The bake came rushing to tell him “No sir, pies are round and cakes are square”

118. Why was the parent function upset with its child? 

It was stretched to its limit. 

119. What did the math teacher commit when she stole from the store? 

A sin

120. How does a mathematician plow his fields?

With a pro-tractor.

121. Where can you buy a ruler that is three feet long?

At a yard sale.

122. Why was the geometry teacher at the hospital?

Because she sprained her angle.

123. How did the circle get so round?

It ate too many π’s.

124. Why did the inches obey the yardstick? 

Coz was their ruler

125. What do you call more than one L?

A parallel!

126. How many grams of sugar should I put in the pie mixture? 

Obviously 3.14. You are making a pi.

127. What are people who whine a lot and 3 points have in common called? 

They are both coplaners

128. What bus can you take to go Math land?

A rhom’bus.

129. What did the complementary angle say to the isosceles triangle? 

Nice Legs

130. What’s is math teacher’s favorite tree?


131. What should you do when it rains? 


132. What can you do if your room is freezing?

Just go to the corner, it’s always 90 degrees.

133. What nickname was the circle given by her classmates?


134. Why should not you be intimated by advanced math?

Because it’s as easy as learning g how to make pi

135. Which angle always makes your day?

A complementary angle

136. Parallel lines have so much in common with each other

It’s a shame they’ll never meet.

137. Which triangles are the coldest? 

Ice-sosceles triangles.

138. Which is the most expensive branch of math?


139. What do you get when you cross geometry with McDonalds? 

Plane cheeseburger.

140. What rating did the math professor give to movie America Pie?


141. What kind of snakes do math teachers have?

A pi-thon.

142. A statistics professor and a math professor worked together on a cookbook.

And, called it “Pi A La Mode”.

143. What was Newton’s favorite dessert? 

Apple pi.

144. Why should you never start a conversation with Pi?

Because it will go on and on and on forever

145. What did math land do to get rid of rats?

The called the pi’ed piper

Trigonometry Jokes

146. Why couldn’t the angle get a loan?

Because its parents wouldn’t cosine.

147. If having one wife is monogamy and having two wives is bigotry. What is having three wives called?


148. Why did the students like their trigonometry teacher? 

He never gave homework as-SIN-ments.

149. Why do sin and tan not listen to anybody?

Just cos.

150. Why does the trigonometry student never come 1st in math class?

Because he believed only in Secant

151. Why did the skeptic do poorly in Trigonometry?

Coz he did not believe in sines.

152. What do you call an insect that’s not feeling well?

A secant (sick ant)

153. Does anybody know a rad trigonometry joke?

Please don’t go off on a tangent.

154. What did the student think about her teacher’s stern expression when she handed the trigonometry test paper?

That it was not a good sine

155. Did you hear about that geeky trigonometry expert?

The only angle lacking in his life was secs.

156. Why are Christians not able to do trigonometry?

Because Jesus took away their sin.

157. What did the students from trigonometry class say when they wanted to join the competition?

“Sine us up!”

158. Where does the trigonometry professor always get off?

On the tangent.

160. Why did the student pray before the trigonometry test?

Because he was hoping for a sine from above

161. I’ll do algebra, I’ll do trigonometry, I’ll even do statistics.

But graphing is where I draw the line!

162. Why do Irish people always fail trigonometry?

Because they can’t Tan.

163. Can an English student learn Trigonometry?

Cosecant!  (Course he can’t)

164. Why did the students not take trigonometry professor seriously?

Coz he was so hyperbolic.

165. I was hoping my sister could help me with trigonometry.

But then I remembered, “she’s just in middle school, of course secant”

166. Why could the student not finish the trigonometry test on time?

Because she kept on having have secant thoughts about the answer.

167. Why do mathematicians rarely spend time at the beach?

Coz they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don’t need the sun!

168. Why did the student not agree with the trigonometry professor when she said that triangles are the simplest polygon?

Because the students just wanted to let digons be digons.


169. What do mathematicians always hang out on Friday nights?

Bar graphs.

170.  Why was the student suspicious to see the math teacher holding graphing paper?

Because the teacher must be plotting something.

171. Why did the judge doubt that statistics was a precise and logical method?

Because it stated half-truth inaccurately.

172. Why is statistics never anyone’s favorite subject?

Coz it’s just average.

173. What are statistician’s like?

Mean and slightly deviant

174. Did you hear about the statistician?


175. Who does not need to worry about being wrong?

A statistician

176. What do statistician give compliment to people?

They say “You are three standard deviations above the norm”.

177. Why did the student cry when the teacher said his performance was average?

Because it is a “mean” thing to say.

178. How did the trigonometry professor manage to get a tangerine?

By dividing Sin-gerine with a cos-gerine

179. Why did the statistician drown while crossing the river?

He was confident he could cross, as it was only one-foot deep on an average.

180. Three statisticians go hunting. When they see a rabbit, the first one shoots, missing it on the left. The second one shoots and misses it on the right.

The third one shouts: “We’ve hit it!”

181. What did the statistics professor tell the mean students?

Don’t be mean, be above average

182. What is a statistician advice on success?

If at first you don’t succeed, try two more times, so that your failure is statistically significant.

183. A statistician wanted to return home during a heavy lightning. His friends asked “Aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning?”.

The statistician replied “Not at all. Statistics shows that, one person per year gets struck by lightning in this region – and that one person already died in the hospital a week ago.”

184. Why did that statistics professor always speed up while driving through the intersections and slowed down after passing through?”

Coz, statistically speaking, you’re more likely to have an accident at an intersection, so its better to spend less time there.


185. Why is the math book always sad?

Because it is full of problems.

186. Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?

Because then it would be a foot.

187. Who’s the king of the geometry set?

The ruler.

188. What US state has the most math teachers?


189. Which is the only subject that counts?


190. What’s a math teacher’s favorite season?


191. What did the math book say to the other? 

Sorry, I can’t help you… I’ve got my own problems.

192. Why is math considered to be codependent?

It relies on others to solve its problems.

193. What weighs more – a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?

Both weighs the same. No matter the object, a pound is a pound

194. What did the stduent say when the teacher asked him why his math paper was blank?

All my answers are imaginary numbers.

195. Why did the chicken cross the Mobius Strip?

To get to the same side.

196. Why was the mathematician always hungry?

He could binomials (buy no meals)

197. Which snakes are good at math?


198. What shape do you always have to be careful of?

A trap-azoid!

199. What do you call an empty parrot cage?

A poly-gon (A polly gone.)

200. Why should you not miss math class?

Coz it really starts to add up.

201. Two fathers and two sons go fishing. Each of them catches one fish. So why do they bring home only three fish?

Because the fishing group comprises a grandfather, his son, and his son’s son – hence just three people.

202. What do you call the number 7 and the number 3 when they go out on a date?

The odd couple (but 7 is in her prime).

203. What is a butterfly’s favorite subject at school?


204. How can you make time fly?

It’s simple. Just throw a clock out the window!

205. It’s always a good idea to bring a mathematician camping.

They come prepared with a pair of axis.

206. What did the bee say when it solved the problem?

 “Hive got it!”

207. Why was the mathematician not worried when there was a fire at his house?

Because he has seen the fire hose and knew that a solution existed.

208. Teacher: Now class, I want you all to answer at once. How much is six plus four?

Class: At once!

209. How can you define math jokes?

Well, calculus jokes are all derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic. But, statistics joke is an outlier.


Many kids struggle with math and think math to be a hard subject and hence, suffer from math anxiety . Math jokes will make those dull and boring math classes fun and refreshing. Students are usually bored when they are not paying attention to the class. Math jokes are a wonderful way to keep students focused in the classroom, and ready to work their math brains. With these cheesy math jokes for kids, you will have your students cracking up in no time. Hearing these delightful and corny math jokes will cheer them up, and it has always been said “Laughter is the best medicine”. Moreover, it will help the students remember important math facts and concepts

Using these mathematical jokes, you can brighten the overall mood during math sessions and improve your student’s engagement in the classroom

Get ready to have some fun with math!

There are many other cool ways to make math fun and interesting for your kids and students. You can click on the links below if you are interested in learning more.

Math puzzles

Math games

Math tricks

Math card games

Math Dice games

Math Apps

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