Are you searching for the best and free printable 3rd grade math worksheets for your children? Do you need help finding the best websites that offer free math worksheets?
When looking for third grade worksheets, you may come across with many options. However, most of the time it is pretty daunting how to pick the right one for your children!
In this article, we have shared some of the reliable and useful online math sources that could help you to choose the most useful worksheets for your children in third grade. These worksheets are not only helpful for children, but also for parents, and teachers.
The aim of this comprehensive list of free 3rd grade math worksheets providers is to support you in supporting your child.
Math Fox
Math Fox, founded by Mphoweh Jude is one of the best free third grade math practice worksheet providers. Jude spent three years creating math learning activities online for children before starting this website in collaboration with Kisi. Jude has two years of teaching experience as an assistant in the University. He has completed M.Phil in Natural Resource Management and Magna Cum Laude in BSC.
About worksheets
The worksheets are arranged by the topic. For every topic there are tons of worksheets available. Any third grader should find it incredibly easy to use them. There are a large number of math quizzes and playful activities, making math learning super fun for children. The worksheets are covered around arithmetic calculations, mean, mode, median, geometry, and much more.
Pros and Cons
Pros-Highly interactive math worksheets that include math games, math video based tutorials, and quizzes for accelerated learning. The interactive free grade 3 math word problems worksheets cover over 44,000 math related problems all focusing on children, parents, and teachers. However, does not address math content in an easy to complex way.
Fees and Membership
Math Fox provides few free math worksheets and games. You have to become a member to access all of its resources. The membership costs $ 56 for a year for single user, for 2-10 users it costs $79, for 11-20 users it costs $99.
KidsMathTV is an educational tutorial site that offers math worksheets, video tutorial for easy learning. The site is conceived by Mphoweh Jude on Editorials Limited, Hong Kong. The team consists of professional Math tutors from the USA. The website aims to help children of different grades to get a clear overview Mathematics.
About Worksheets
The free 3rd grade math worksheets are excellent math learning platform for the third graders. It carries a wide assortment of video lessons and practice worksheets in which each lessens targets specific skills for the third graders.
The easy video tutorials and worksheets available on the site make learning fun and help you a variety of mathqueries. Some of the common topics covered in the worksheets are – Fractions, Geometry, Addition, Graphs, Tallies, Multiplication, Patterns, Subtractions, countings and time.
Pros and Cons
Pros: The free printable common core 3rd grade math worksheets are easy to use and very helpful for the third grade students to the worksheets enhance math skills and help solving the complex questions. The worksheets on the website are aligned with the curriculum and state standards. The major con of this online tutorial site is its fast videos. For more effectiveness, the videos on the site should be slowed so children can understand well.
Fees and Membership offers a number of membership plans for third grade math fact worksheets. For the single user, the amount is $36 for 6 months, and $55 every year. For a small group, the amount is $67 for 6 months and $76 for 1 year.
Flash kids
Flashkids is a light yet serious learning tools designed according to the latest educational standards of pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. It was designed by educators and parents specifically to make teaching easy for their children. It offers math worksheets along with flashcards to enhance children’s writing and reading skills, making learning a fun. The entire online study material contains amazing art, concise directions, and comprehensive answers, allowing children to independently learn math with confidence.
About worksheets
Flash kids offer a wide range of worksheets, flash skills, flash cards, reading skills, spelling skills, and more. No matter of your children learning style, Flash kids worksheets are designed according to all children learning needs. The worksheets are easy to learn and understand.
Pros and Cons
Pros: The free 3rd grade math worksheets come with workbooks and flashcards. It consists of language arts designed for Pre-kindergarten to Grade 6. The worksheets are designed with precise answer keys and clear directions. The Math content is not clearly addressed.
Fee and Membership
Grade three math worksheets costs $3.95 (USD) and $4.95 (CAD). The 86 pages everyday math worksheets for 3rd grade is suitable for age group 8 to 11.
Mental Math

Mental Math is an after-school program designed for enriching math learning with an innovative and interactive approach. The content on the website is created by US-based math teachers and curriculum experts who ensure that the material is helpful.
The worksheets are based on the principle that speed and accuracy equal math mastery, which is proven to very beneficial to the students. The thoroughly designed math enrichment program helps the student to learn accordingly to their ability and at their own pace.
About Worksheets
The site offers you quality3rd grade math worksheets. The content on the worksheet is arranged according to grade and topic, allowing you to easily avail the specific worksheet. Similarly, every worksheet has a comprehensive coverage of the curriculum.
The standard time allocated for solving the problems will help you to determine the speed and accuracy of your children. Additionally, there is a good coverage of all the essential units for each grade in the worksheets.
Pros and Cons
Mental Math offers you an excellent coverage of the 3rd grade curriculum. The free printable 3rd grade math test worksheets are helpful for the students, teachers and parents as well. The presentation of the sample worksheets is simple and easy to understand.
Detailed information and instructions for every topic are provided with the worksheets to help the parents in assisting their children to better understand each topic.But despite some great services that this site provides; it lags behind in offering innovative and different resources that can make the learning process fun and enjoyable.
Fees and Membership
Mental Math offers you an initial two-page sample set of printable problem solving third grade worksheets for free. But, if you want to have access to the entire volume of the worksheets, you will have to pay $1 for every file.
Math Game Time

If you are looking for the best math homework and games online, then Math Game Time is an ideal option. All the math games, practice worksheets offered are educational, reliable and fun filled.
This Math Game Time website is created by educators in order to help children learning Maths. The main aim is to provide an educational yet fun platform for children in Pre-K to 7th grade. The practice worksheets help your children learn with beautiful illustrations and fun exercises.
About worksheets
The free 3rd grade math worksheets are easy to use and help improve their Math skills. There are many types of challenges included in theworksheets suitable for your children’s understanding level.There is also a selection of puzzle and logic based worksheets, including Sudoku game.
Pros and Cons
The website is attention grabbing with it’s a variety of math tutorials, along with Geography and Science subjects. However, the free worksheets are average and there are less problem and learning skills involved.
Fee and Membership
You can try Math Game Time’s 3rd grade math printable worksheets for free for first 20 problems. After that, you will have to go for paid subscription.
K12 Math Worksheets

K12 Math Worksheets is designed by a group of experienced educators and parents. . The site offers worksheets which have all basic concepts ranging from multiplication, subtraction, addition, geometry, and division.
The website aims to teach the basic concept of math to the children in a fun and interactive way. That’s why they offer practical worksheets for children that have all elements included like counting money using rulers, lines, numbers and more. The worksheets offered by the site also include answer keys.
About Worksheets
K12 Math’s worksheets make learning math fun. The free printable common core math worksheets for 3rd grade are designed by teachers who are familiar with general 3rd grade appropriateness, and Common Core Standards The worksheets are easy to use and help develop your children’s studying habit. The worksheets cover all the topics like addition, multiplication, division and subtraction.
Pros and Cons
Pros: k12 free 3rd grade math worksheets are easy to use in home and classroom. The design of the worksheets is good. On the whole, the website is user-friendly. However, the worksheets on the site are kept haphazardly. Also, there is advertisement shown on the site, making it disturbing.
Fee and Membership
This online Math tutorial site doesn’t need any membership and is completely free.
Math 4 Children Plus
Math 4 Children Plus is a completely free educational site that features 2k activities with about 50k skills for children. The site is designed for students of Pre-kindergarten through 7th grade. The free 3rd grade math worksheets pdf provide an easy math learning platform for children in 3rd grade.
It is designed to help children learn the basics of Maths and make the subject interesting for them. It allows you to learn Maths basics like addition, subtraction, numbers, geometry, algebra and more. The worksheets are designed for teachers and parents, helping them to teach children Maths
About Worksheets
Math 4 Children Plus offers a wide range of math worksheets. The worksheets cover all the basic topics of 3rd grade math, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can get e-Books and can also explore the customized activities. The worksheets are designed for children to improve their Maths skills.
Pros and Cons
Pros: The site looks nice and easy to navigate. The site is not just limited to free 3rd grade math word problem practice worksheets, but you can also find free worksheets for different grades and levels.
Cons: Unfortunately, the online tutorial site has not properly addressed the third-grade math worksheets in an easy to complicated way. So, it is important to check the content correctly.
Fee and Membership
For Math worksheet, this is completely free education site.
IXL Learning was established in 1998 and the website first created Quia Web, which gave an opportunity to share and create a customized study material. In course of developing educational technologies, the second product was Quia Books. The platform provided a highly quality interactive textbook and workbook online to learn language. The unique feature of Quia Books included immersive online workbook exercises which gave feedback in real-time along with an intelligent grading system.
After success in different aspects, the website moved toward math in 2007. It emerged as the most comprehensive math practice program, covering more than 2500 distinct math topics, ranging from lower kindergarten to Class 12. The math problems are algorithmically generated so that students receive unique questions regardless of the duration of the practice. Thus, it makes the practice of the free 3rd grade math worksheet a lot easier.
About Worksheets
The worksheets available on the website give clarity to students regarding the topic. The various topics included on the website are, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Pros and Cons
IXL offers Maths and English learning tutorials like worksheets from KG to 12th grade. Covering the syllabus of about 190 countries, it offers one of the best fun learning math worksheets. Currently, it has 5 million subscribers, 450 online 3rd grade free printable math facts worksheets, and texts in 11 diverse languages.
Fees and Membership
You will get 20 free problems to practice on the grade 3 math common core word problems worksheets for free on each topic along with answer key and explanation. The monthly package will cost $9. If you aren’t satisfied with the performance, then there is a full refund provision for within 30 days.
KizMath is a Hong Kong registered company and a product of EduTerials Ltd. Founded by Kisito Futonge & Judge N, the main aim of this website is to provide math teaching and learning tutorials for all level of students, parents and teachers.
About worksheets offers a wide collection of math worksheets and other resources for children. It offers more than 2,977 Math exercises with 44, 655 Math problems. The worksheets help to solve easy to complex math problems in a fun and interactive way.
Whether you are looking for interactive math exercise for third grade or anything from preschool education to grade 8, offers all. Children can also enhance their skills in the form of Fun Games, Interactive exercises, and worksheets.
Pros and Cons
The website is is developed by professionals aiming to children, parents and teachers solve math problems in an easy way. There are around 2,977 Math exercises along with more than 44,655 issues in the form of fun games, video, printable Math and interactive exercises. It has a bundle of free common core math worksheets for third grade. However, the website is not that much user-friendly and to see or get sample worksheets, you must fill the form.
Fee and Membership
If you are seeking membership for a month, then you need to invest $13, $39 for 6 months and $59 for one year.

Math Chimp is an online catalogue of hundreds of games, tutorial videos and worksheets. The curriculum followed by the website is aligned to the Common Core standards. The Common Core Standard is an initiative from 2010 that details what the children from kindergarten to grade 12 should learn in English and mathematics. Teachers can find games and online worksheets, including 3rd grade free Printable math worksheets by selecting the grade, which they teach and then clicking on those links to find the learning and practice materials.
About Worksheets:
You can download worksheets for free. They are easy for children to follow and are clearly structured. The worksheets focus on four critical areas. These are related to connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication, completing and understanding division of fractions and extending the notion of number system to rational numbers, interpreting equations and finally developing statistical thinking.
Pros and Cons
Math Chimp is a helpful place to locate, submit and rate Common Core math worksheets. The website is well presented with an adorable chimpanzee waiting to greet you on the home page. Each activity on the free 3rd grade math worksheets are clearly aligned and structured. The quality of resources varies greatly, however some links are broken. The website has not addressed the math worksheets in an easy to complex way, so it is necessary to check the content first.
Fees and memberships
You will need to create an account, but no subscription or membership fees are required. All the resources on the website are free, including the free Printable grade 3 math worksheets pdf.
Helping with Math is a helpful resource for parents and teachers who want their children to learn the basic concepts of maths. It offers large printable math resources that assist children to practice Math that they learn at school and at home.
The website is designed to provide parents and teachers easy-to-use and effective free resources full of bouncing frogs, subscription services, and masses of information. The resources include user-friendly charts, tables, worksheets and other information, categorized by type, grade and subject level.
About the Worksheets
HelpingWithMath’s free 3rd grade math worksheets cover the extensive curriculum of addition, subtractions, multiplication, division and more. The worksheets are based on the Common Core Standards for Maths.
The worksheets are easy to navigate and help develop your children’s studying habit. The worksheets focus on understanding fractions, reasoning with 2-D shapes, multiplying and dividing within 100 and various concepts.
Pros and Cons
The third grade free printable math practice worksheets help parents and teachers teach math to their children. It offers varieties of printable math resources based on, topic, level and grade. Parents can also get familiar with the instruction and guidance on diverse topics. There are also many games available for children. However, the sample worksheets which are average..
Fees and Membership
The website offers all its resources for free.
MathFactCafe was founded in 2000 and offers free math worksheets to the parents and teachers. The website targets the children from kindergarten to grade 5. Along with pre-generated math worksheets, the site offers worksheet generators to create custom worksheets.
About Worksheets
The site offers free 3rd grade math worksheets PDF catering to a range of topics including basic facts, counting, money and time concept. You can go for thousands of pre-made worksheets that need to be printed or create your customized worksheet based on your needs. The site also provides an option for creating worksheets with conversion problems for distance, temperature, time, volume and weight where you can select the option to display the answer key along with the questions.
Pros and Cons
Math Fact Cafe offers 2 types of worksheets – pre-made and customized. The premade has thousands of everyday free math fact worksheets 3rd grade that are already created. While in the customized one, you can create your own worksheets for free. You can also edit the flashcards and worksheets. The only con is it takes long steps to get sample worksheets.
Fees and Memberships provides free worksheets. The site accepts donations through Paypal.
Splash Math
Splash Math is a flagship product of StudyPad created for children in Grades KG to 5. This website helps in learning and studying through the personalized and highly engaging math learning tutorials.
The resources on the website are also available on digital platforms like Android, Desktops, and iOS. Today, more than 20 Million students across the world are using this online platform for free 3rd grade math worksheets, which makes it an award-winner and featured in Apple many times.
About Worksheets
The site provides wide variety of math tutorials for the 3rd grade students. These worksheets are designed by professionalsand are easy to print and can be used by both teachers and parents..
The worksheets are well-structured and contain 33 skills including place value, number sense, addition, subtraction, multiplication facts and more.
Pros and Cons
Splash Math is a good source for teaching Math to your children and students. The free 3rd grade math worksheets common core offered by the site include easy to complex exercises for the third graders. It claims to have 12 million downloads, used in 30,000 schools and 70,000 classrooms. Students can practice Maths worksheets through PC games also.
Fees and Memberships
The non-printable worksheets are available free of cost.
Adapted Mind
The website is created by the graduates of Stanford, Harvard, and Berkeley to help children learning Math. The worksheets are designed to help students depending on their understanding level. The aim of the site is to create exceptional Math learning experience for the kids by offering math combinations worksheets. The curriculum and exercises are quite helpful for teachers, parents, and children.
About Worksheets
The 3rd grade free math worksheets common core have 225 lessons, including number sense, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, time, measurement, algebra, fractions, decimals and more. All the worksheets from grade 1st to 8th are well-structured and useful to improve Math skills.
Pros and Cons
The site looks good and easy to navigate. With nice coverage of lessons, 10 worksheets of every lesson, it is undoubtedly one of the most attractive web pages to learn math.
Fees and Memberships
The membership price is $9.95/month in which 5 children of the same family can enrol with no extra cost.
Home School Math

HomeSchool Math has been developed by educators for home schooling parents and teachers. The aim of this comprehensive Math resource site is to unlock the potential of the children to learn maths. The varieties of resources on the site includes online math games lists, lessons, worksheets, reviews and more for third graders.
About Worksheets
The online education site offers a number of free 3rd grade math worksheets, helping 3rd grade children to understand the basic concepts of Math. The worksheets cover a number of topics like mental math, geometry, subtraction, addition, multiplication, clock, money, measuring, division and place value.
The randomly printable worksheets also come with an answer key. The worksheets support any third grade math program when match with the Grade 3 IXL Math Workbook.
Pros and Cons
The site was created by a professional Math teacher Maria Miller. The free worksheets are available for children from Grade 1 to grade 7. Though the site looks good, home page is not attractive. Also, the worksheets are not arranged in easy to complex method.
Fees and Memberships
The site offers third grade printable math common core word problem worksheets for free.
K5 Learning
K5 Learning was founded and designed by parents who are seeking the best math learning tools for children to teach them at home. In 2010, they were licensed best for their Math reading and learning software.
They are known for providing the best learning platform in North America for grades KG TO 5th. This online supplemental program benefits public schoolers and homeschoolers. It helps to keep the skills of the children sharp while not including extra work for parents.
About worksheets
K5 Learning’s each lesson comes with customized printable worksheets for improving skills. The free 3rd grade math worksheets are carefully designed for teachers, parents and third graders. The worksheets include lessons on addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more. On the online program, a personalized math curriculum has been provided to the children according to their level.
Pros and Cons
The site gives 14 days free trial along with answer key. It allows you to test the reading and math skills of your child online.. Unfortunately, it has long content written which discourages parents and teachers to invest in worksheets. Moreover, to purchase worksheets or any other, there is no direct link available.
Fees and Memberships
Sample worksheets are available for free. If you are looking for grade 1 to 3rd grade math games and worksheets then you have to invest $45, for addition, it costs $3.95 and for subtraction, it costs $5.1.
Education is a website put together by a group of experienced and award-winning educators. Their invaluable expertise has been utilized to create excellent worksheets that allow your child to quickly grasp the methods to solve division problems.
You can avail more than 5,000 worksheets, over 150 workbooks, and a few online games designed using Common Core codes for children from kindergarten to fifth grade.
About Worksheets
The worksheet generator offered by helps you to make educational, fun and personal worksheets. You can easily make free third grade math worksheet for children without any hassle. The generator allows you to create endless worksheets including multiplication, subtraction, division, and addition.
You just need to adjust the grade and understanding level of your child, add some color to it, download and print. The worksheets are perfect for classrooms and you can make scrambles, searches, crosswords and matching lists easily. These worksheets are excellent for reviewing any math topics and skills.
Pros and Cons
The worksheet generator allows you to print worksheets, workbooks, and puzzles according to your child learning needs. You can also get it print after 30 days of purchase. To give authenticity to the customers, the website has provided the names of Management team and Board of directors. Also, the listing of all free 3rd grade math worksheets is available on the site.
However, the table of contents and curriculum is not very clear. Also, there are no any introductions and examples in the worksheets, making it difficult for the children to use independently.
Fees and Memberships
The sample worksheets are available for free. For parents, the useful and advanced features will cost $3.99 per month and for educators $3/month and $198 for lifetime.
Math Blaster came into existence in 1987. It is an advanced Math learning platform for students, parents and teachers as well, making math teaching and learning fun. It offers cool math games like cute mutts, wacky alien, and more. The easy and interesting 3rd grade math test worksheets engage children on different math topics allowing them to grasp the concept easily.
About worksheets
The worksheets are created following the Common Core State Standards. Every worksheet has an excellent coverage of the 3rd grade math curriculum and the contents are classified based on topics and grades, which simplifies the navigation.
Pros and Cons is a well-structured and well-presented site. It is easy to navigate and contains math games to support worksheets. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t meet use-friendly standards because it’s only workable when you become a member. Also, the landing page does not urge the client to purchase worksheets.
Fees and Memberships offer free printable math fact worksheets for third graders and for other grades as well. You can also choose different membership packages like monthly package costs $3.99, quarterly costs $7.99, annual costs $ 29.99 and a lifetime membership costs $59.99.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers a wide variety of instructional videos, personalized learning dashboard and problem solving math worksheets for children. The worksheets and other materials are categorized by grade, level and subject..
The Khan Academy works in collaboration with the California Academy of Sciences, MIT, NASA and the Museum of Modern Arts to offer specialized content.
About Worksheets
Khan Academy has created a number of new Math practice worksheets for third grade students.. The main aim is to help students master math concepts. Each math worksheet is one step more advanced than the one before, which ensures that your child fully absorbs and learns each math concept before moving on to the next.
The free 3rd grade math worksheets include addition, subtraction, fractions, geometry, place value, and rounding. For teachers, these worksheets are quite useful for assessment and practice..
Pros and Cons
The site is well-structured and offers instructional videos, practice exercises, personalized learning dashboard for history, science, Math etc. It covers basic to higher level Math content for different grades including 3rd grade math worksheets multiplication. The math tutorial videos look interesting. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t address for the particular grade level.
Fees and Memberships
The world-class education provided by Khan Academy is 100% free. Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that accepts donations and volunteers.
Everyday Math

Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive mathematics program for Pre-K to grade 6. This program was published by McGraw-Hill Education and the University of Chicago School Maths Project. Everyday Math offers lesson sampler eBooks for different grades. The problem solving math worksheets are categorized into 11 units and other resources are further categorized into lessons.
About Worksheets
The free printable third grade math worksheets help students learn different topics of math like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The worksheets are clear, arranged from simple to complex and help develop your child’s study habit.
The site also offers family letters to keep parents updated on what their children are learning in the class. They have other resources like vocabulary, background information, games and more.
Pros and Cons
Everyday Mathematics provides EM3/CCSS edition, Ebook, and EM4 for children in Pre-kindergarten to grade 6 children. Extra practices and games are also accessible. But, the presentation of free worksheets is average.
Fees and Memberships
For All free 3rd grade math worksheets, check out Every Day Math. The sample eBook also provides FREE webinars for grade 3rd and grade 6th. The price has not yet disclosed. As a first customer, you need to ask for catalogue.
Math 4 children
Math 4 children offer a wide assortment of worksheets, quizzes, grades, topics and videos for children in grade 1st to grade 8. It also offers printable math worksheets for a 3rd grade along with PDF hand-outs. All the content available in the sites are of highest high-quality.
About worksheets
The free third grade math fact worksheets offered by Math 4 Children contain a good coverage of the course curriculum like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more. The worksheets are engaging and are organized according to grade, topics and levels.
Pros and Cons
The website is designed by the professionals. All the resources, including math worksheets, science worksheets, online tests, videos, and apps are engaging and offer fun and interactive way of teaching and learning technique.
Fees and Memberships
It costs $20 for the worksheets and to know fees of other grades, please visit this link.
Common Core Sheets

Common Core Sheets is the best online source for free math worksheets. . The worksheets are aligned with Common Core standards initiative. The site also allows you to create Math test worksheets, flash cards and other many fun activities. You can also download already created worksheets, which are very useful for solving problems on addition, division, subtraction, multiplication and more.
About worksheets
The site offers you a number of worksheets for different grade and levels. It provides free 3rd grade math printable worksheets on a range of different topics. The worksheets are aligned according to the Common Core State Standards. Each worksheet is easily printable and has a set of problems based on the selected topic.
The design and layout of the 3rd grade multiplication math worksheets are attractive and appealing. It contains understandable explanations and methods for easy memorization and practice. The guided lessons are in a sequential order with interactive digital games. It keeps track of the kid’s progress and helps you study smarter, step by step.
Pros and Cons
It is the best when it comes to simplicity and effectiveness. Their free 3rd grade math worksheets are great for teaching simple and basic math skills. The worksheets are eye-catching and help parents to teach their kids.
The website is not user-friendly. Searching for specific math worksheets is a laborious task. The topics are not introduced in an orderly manner.
Fees and Membership
The worksheets for third grade are free of cost, but for children education, the site is open for a donation for its support.
AAA Math

AAA Math is an online math learning website designed by educators from different fields. Its mission is to empower and unlock every child’s hidden potential. This website provides sufficient learning materials, tools and free math worksheets for 3rd grade students.
The site features a comprehensive set of many interactive arithmetic lessons that allow you to practice math online. Available in both Spanish and English language, for each topic, you will get unlimited practice worksheets allowing to get mastery over the concepts. The site offers worksheets for kindergarten through the 8th-grade level.
About worksheets
AAA MATH is reliable math learning resource that offer worksheets on varieties of topics like algebra, addition, measurement, mental health, equations and more. You can also find resources like Sudoku, spelling, vocabulary, world nations, geographical photos and more.
Pros and Cons
The site is an excellent way to learn or review maths. The core common free math worksheets are quite helpful for third-graders to learn the concepts of various topics of math. You can also give feedback immediately which helps them improve their worksheets and other resources.
Fees and Memberships
The printable common core worksheets of third grade math are 100% free.
Math Worksheet Centre

Math Worksheet Centre is one of the largest k-12 math worksheets resource There are over 14,500 worksheets well organized by grade and understanding levels of the students. You can find worksheets on various math topics, including addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more.
About worksheets
Math Worksheet Centre provides math worksheets by topic, grade and level. The site offers free 3rd grade math worksheets or any other resources up to 12 grades. The worksheets are clear, eye-catching, easy to use eye and help parents to teach their kids.
Pros and Cons
Math Worksheet Centre offers varieties of fun filled math worksheets for kindergarten to grade 12th. There are over 14,500 math worksheets along with answer keys. However, the homepage is not attractive and the presentation of worksheets is average. Also, parents often get confused to pick the right worksheets according to their children’s understanding level.
Fees and Memberships
The third grade problem solving math fact worksheets are only accessible for members. It offers $29.97/year for limited time.

PracTutor is a perfect math learning source for students, parents and teachers. The main aim of the site is to identify both strengths and weaknesses of the students and provide them with the right solutions. The students themselves can plan self-study schedules and extra hours with teachers based on their competence and performance level. The main benefit of using this website is that you get automatic recommendations for concepts that need a little work for your children.
About worksheets
PracTutor is known for providing a number of resources, including printable worksheets, video tutorials, for teachers and students. Unlike typical free math practice worksheets for third grade, the worksheets offered by the site enable children to enjoy both learning and rewarding game-based environment. As PracTutor is cloud-based so it doesn’t need any software installation. Teachers and students can easily practice worksheets and use them offline as well.
Pros and Cons
The website offers a fun and interactive way to learn Maths and English for grade 1 to grade 8. The worksheets are quite helpful for children, their parents, and teachers. Children just need to practice 20-30 minutes on the worksheets every day. There are over4200 Math questions to practice on the website. Unfortunately, the site can’t generate worksheets and also doesn’t provide homework assistance.
Fees and Memberships
The basic version of the site is free, but the premium costs $29.95/month for students and children.

Mathatube is dedicated to only one subject and that is Math. The site is designed for children and their parents to understand the concept of Math. The site offers free text, video lessons, and 3rd grade free printable common core math worksheets on math subjects. It’s inclusive of tables, glossary, formulas, symbols, and charts for all grades.
About worksheets
If you are looking for free Math worksheets, additional facts, and PDF, then Mathatube is the right destination for you. It offers free word problem worksheets on addition, subtraction, and multiplication for third graders. The worksheets are clear, easy to use and help develop your children’s study habit.
Pros and Cons
The website not only provides free 3rd grade math worksheets but also charts, tables, glossary, symbol and formula for math. For children and parents, these features are quite helpful to learn maths. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t address grade based math content. Also, the presentation of the site is average.
Fees and Memberships
Everything including printable math worksheets for 3rd grade 100% free.

Kidoport came into existence in 1997, with a collaboration of many schools in San Jose, CA and Saratoga area. The main aim of the site is to provide online education for children from KG to 8th grade. The site is useful for teachers, students, and homeschoolers. It provides an engaging and common core worksheets, interactive elements, and other tutorials.. The site is easy to navigate its worksheets helpful for students to enhance their math skills.
About Worksheets
Kidport provides a range of 3rd grade math worksheets common cores on various topics, including addition, division, subtraction and multiplication. Besides, it also offers math quizzes, video tutorials and learning and teaching resources on social science and science.
Pros and Cons
The site is useful and provides interactive learning resources to help children studying in KG to grade 8. The site claims that over 70,000 parents and teachers visit KidPort every month from around 150 countries. The design of the site is quite attractive and also easy to navigate, allowing to learn various subjects like social science,science and math on easy and fun way.
Fees and Membership
It is a free website that accepts donations to provide quality free common core math worksheets for third grade.
Did you find all the information you required to enrich your child’s learning experience? If you are looking for more material and worksheets on other math relation topics, then you can check out our other math worksheets lists, kindergarten math worksheets, 1st grade math worksheets, 2nd grade math worksheets, 7th grade math worksheets, 5th grade math worksheet, 6th grade worksheets, 4th grade worksheets and 8th grade worksheets.